From the inception of SecureOne in May 2010, we are proud to say that we have been continuously expanding our business, and have been successful in supplying our UVIScan and PlateCatcher products all over the world.
Our footprint ranges from Europe right through to Africa, and from the USA to Indonesia. No project is too small or too complex for us to handle! Our systems have been installed at the EU Council, NATO HQ, Burj Khalifa, Marina Bay Sands, and that's just to name a few.
The latest SecureOne innovation is UVIScan Gamma Radiation Detection, a unique technology to detect radio-active materials hidden INSIDE a car.
SecureOne Highlights Timeline

Arno Hulshof joins CRH Fencing & Security Group (Heras Group) to develop a Security Systems Division.
First UVIS was installed at the German Bundestag in Berlin.
Acquisition of UVIS business as add on for CRH Fencing & Security Group.

Successful presentation of UVIS at EU Council HQ
Rental Contract for EU Summits and other special events (see picture)

Installations at Marina Bay Sands Resort Singapore (see picture), Burj Khalifa Dubai, NATO, MOI France, and others

Reorganization within CRH, liquidation of CRH Fencing & Security Group
Foundation of SecureOne International BV by Arno Hulshof

UVIScan Installations at NATO HQ Brussels (see picture), Houses of Parliament London, ISAF Kabul, projects in Russia and other countries.
Expansion of business to Asia and Africa.

Development and market introduction of UVIScan Magnet Detection System (MDS). More info

Installation at Astana Trainstation, Kazakhstan (see picture)
Replacement of other UVIS at Erbil Palace, Iraq
Replacement of other UVIS at CPC, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Development of UVIScan RD (Rapid Deployment) More info
Installation and use of UVIScan RD at 4th of July Celebration in Boston, USA

Replacement of other UVIS at Bank of Thailand.
Development and market introduction of UVIScan PRO.

Supply and installation of UVIScan PRO at several airports in Indonesia.
Development and market introduction of UVIScan Gamma Radiation Portal Monitor, integrated with UVIScan Under Vehicle Inspection. More info

Development and installation of UVIScan PRO for Stowaway Detection under trucks. More info

SecureOne International B.V receives a patent for in The Netherlands for UVIscan Gamma.